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“Why Crispyraspberries?” many people asked me.
“Why not?” I asked back.
“Are raspberries ever crispy at all?” people insisted.
“Of course they are!” I replied.
“Oh, I get it – this is child’s play!” some people said.
“Well, yes and no... Crispyraspberries remind us of all the small and simple, magical things that only kids’ eyes can see."

Greeting cards

If you don’t know how to say it...
say it with a Crispyraspberries greeting card!

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Gift wrap

These giftwraps make the gift giving experience special and unique from start to finish.!

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Wall decals

These huge funny monsters give a bad reputation to monsters as they are overly friendly and like to stick around your house!

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Mini Me

These drawings are not traditional portraits where the face lines of the subject are traced or where the hue of the subject’s eyes are replicated but rather a treasure map of love and affection filled with multiple hints and clues to the person’s habits, passions, achievements and interests.

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